Michelle 25th October 2009

MOM I dont need a reason to think of you, it comes naturally every day, I love you and miss you so so much. I miss our chats on the phone, i miss not seeing you, and the times we shared together. I often think of my childhood, I know i wasnt the easiest child to get on with but i did love you so. I hope to think that i made up for it in my adulthood. I know you know i cared and loved you so.I just wish we had more time to share. Time went to fast, I lost you much to soon. The hurt of loosing you has never gone, i just learn to live with it. Loving you always Mom. Sleep tight. and keep on resting inb peace. Loving you and missing you always. From your ever loving Daughter Michelle. xxx R.I.P Also Remembering My wonderful DAD NAN and GRANDAD. ARTHURE, TRACEY and NIGEL ALso remembering my good FATHER-INLAW BILLY R.I.P ALL